Hey Bombshells!
Today I wanna talk to you about exfoliation and scrubs. Everybody loves a good facial scrub, but not many know that there are a few dos and don’ts. As you may have read before on a previous article, I do like to focus on custom treatments. As an Aesthetician I know first hand that not all skin reacts the same or needs the same attention. Some of my clients have acne, sensitive skin, certain conditions, or even just good ol’ normal skin. Of course I would have to analyze what my client needs and go accordingly so as to help not harm the skin.
While we use this info to determine what cleansers and creams to use the same can be said for exfoliants and scrubs. What many people don’t know is that there are different types of exfoliants.
In the beauty world we have “chemical exfoliants” and “manual” exfoliants. Chemical exfoliants are products that chemically “eat” the dead skin. This includes chemical peels and products that include fruit enzymes. With these fruit enzymes (papaya or pumpkin), you put on like a mask and leave it alone. Within 10-15 mins it again “eats” the dead skin. This method is perfect for those who have sensitive skin, acne or Rosacea. It is gentle enough to get rid of dead skin build up while not aggravating your condition. Example: if you have acne, using an aggressive scrub over a flair up can pop the lesions and spread the bacteria to the rest of your face causing more breakouts, a huge no no! With chemical peels, it literally peels off the top layers of your skin without again disrupting any conditions you may be suffering from.
Manual exfoliants are usually scrubs, where you manually scrub off the dead skin from your face. These are great for those with normal skin that is not suffering from acne (flair ups or chronic) and who have sensitive skin that can easily be damaged. Now while that is said, there are still rules that apply to these scrubs. There are many popular scrubs out in the market that promote Apricot scrubs or Micro Dermabrasion crystals in a tube. You must be very careful with such products! Unfortunately they don’t tell you or take into account that products that include chopped up seeds or crystals can actually damage your skin. Uncontrolled pieces of seeds can cause microscopic cuts in your skin which CAN cause scarring or infections. It is important to buy scrubs that have man made circular beads. These are gentle for the skin while still doing it’s job. There are also brushes. You may have seen these in commercials where you will use a rotating brush. These are great because they are gentle enough to use everyday with your favorite cleanser.
Using the proper exfoiliant for you 2-3 times a week is necessary to a fabulous , brighter, more refreshed face.
Good products:
No Nos:
Just remember to read your labels. Doing your research can give you an upper hand to fabulous skin in no time.
Stay Fabulous and Fierce ~~~~ XoXo MiMi
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