Hello my Darlings today we will be focusing on brushes. This will be your brush 101 lesson. Whether you are an aspiring Makeup Artist or just a makeup maven, it’s important to know the basics of brushes. What they are what they look like and if they have any other uses than intended. I can have 3-4 of the same brush because they are so useful for so many things. But don’t think you have to have 20,000 different brushes. Granted, as an artist I do have to have a good amount of brushes in my arsenal. I can have multiple clients in one job, or I need to not cross contaminate products. If you are just getting a collection for personal use, of course you can get away with some shortcuts.
Let’s start with the essentials
Foundation: There are usually two main types of brushes that are used for foundation. You have a stippling brush and a flat foundation brush. I personally love the stippling brush, because I feel it gives a airbrush effect and leaves no streaks like the flat one can.

Concealer: There are many types of size concealer brushes, but they usually come in the same style. The smaller size is great for smaller areas were as the larger sizes are better for larger areas.

Blush: Most blush brushes are almost always the same. You can get creative and use a kabuki brush to “buff” the blush on your cheeks.
Powder: They usually look like larger over sized blush brushes.

Shadow: There’s the typical shadow brush that will use to apply basic colors.
Crease/Blender: This is a dome like brush that allows you to apply shadow to your crease with precision. It can also be used to blend any color from lid to crease to brow bone.
Small angle: These are great for gel liners or any liner that is potted. You can even use this in shadow to apply liner. I have many in my kit, because it’s great for filling in brows too.

Lip brush: A simple lip brush. They all look the same and are usually the same size.

Also from e.l.f http://www.eyeslipsface.com/Default.asp
Now remember this is a condensed basic list of essential brushes everyone should have. There are a lot more to choose from. And by all means please experiment. That is after all where all the fun is. Now while I do like brushes from all sources, I do believe in investing in the large brushes. You must have a good foundation and powder brush. You need one that will give the best results and won’t shed. The last thing you need is to put your powder on and you have brush hairs all over your face. Or that you have to pick the hairs off your clients face. That is such a No No!
With the other brushes you can get creative. For example: I can get a fabulous quality eyeliner brush at Joann’s Fabrics. I sometimes find the e.l.f concealer brushes good for small tasks, like eyeliner or lips. Do be careful about the brands you choose. Don’t always think because it has a big name behind it that it’s automatically great quality.
With all this said again it is all about having fun. Let me know what brands work for you. I’m always in the lookout for incredible finds.
Stay Fabulous and Fierce ~~~ XoXo MiMi
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