Saturday, January 14, 2012

Understanding your trip to the Asethetician

            Hey Babes, today I wanted to address some concerns I hear often when I meet new clients. I find that many times when I meet a new client, they express to me how their previous aestheticians don’t explain everything with them. This is serious , because clients need to trust you when you are dealing with their skin and conditions.
            Educating my clients is a huge part of my career and should be for my industry as a whole. Basic education should be 1.what is going on with their skin, they should treat it, 3. How to prevent any future conditions so as to have long lasting healthy skin. Now while that may sound simple and obvious, like with any industry, sometimes you’re not going to get the service you should. So this is why I wanted to share some info on what to expect, and some terms to learn so you can understand what your skin care professional is telling you.  Now every Asethetician works differently based on experience level and not everything needs to be done by “textbook”. This is just to assist you.

Skin Terms and Treatments:
   Skin Terms

-         Open/closed comedones-  Whiteheads/open: Small impaction with trapped oil, bacteria, and dead skin.
Blackheads/closed: Not dirt but rather oil that hit the air and oxidizes turning the tip black.
-         Papules- The beginning of a pustule/pimple. An inflamed follicle that appears to be a red, sore bump. Can at times disappear if the immune system fights it in time.
-         Pustules- When enough white blood cells come to fight infection it rises to the top giving the once a papule a whitehead.
-         Couperose- Small, red, enlarged capillaries on the face and other areas of the body. Usually found around the nose.
-         Hyperpigmentation- A condition that refers to areas where a larger amount of melanin (the pigment of the skin) appear due to sun damage, scaring or hormones .
-         Photo damage-  Damage to skin from sun exposure.
-         Free Radicals- Unstable oxygen atoms that go around stealing electrons from other atoms creating new free radicals. This can wreck havoc on skin for it can cause damage including cancer.
-         pH- The degree of how acidic and alkaline a product may be in relation to what it does to your skin.
-         Antioxidants- Stops free radical damage and is also used to prevent products from going rancid.
-         Acid mantle- Protective lipids and secretions on top of skin.

-         Chemical peels- Potent yet safe chemicals used to dissolve dead skin
-         Alternative treatments- Advance treatments to treat conditions that may not include peels and aggressive treatments. Suitable for sensitive or compromised skin. Sometimes used to prepare a client’s skin for more dramatic treatments.
-         Microdermabrasion- A manual exfoliation. A little more in depth than a regular scrub
-         Micro-current- A machine that mimics the body’s energy to tone muscles. With several treatments over time it’s a  great alternative to facial surgery, for it has lifting results.
-         Light therapy- The use of light rays to treat certain skin conditions including hair removal.
-         Ultrasound- The use of high frequency to help skin exfoliate or assist in the penetration of skin repairing serums.

Visit to the Asethetician

~    Consultation- This is where you should have an in depth discussion of your skin concerns, what your goals are, and any other medical conditions or meds you are on that may affect treatment decisions. Your skin care professional should listen to all your concerns while thoroughly explaining their recommendations. This is also when your aesthetician will examine your skin in depth and document what condition your skin is in.
~   Pre and post treatment home kits- Don’t think your aesthetician is trying to sell you anything. While retail is important in most salon and spa environments, using recommended products from the same skincare line of which they will be using on your skin, will help facilitate proper results and long lasting results. Pre treatment kits get your skin ready for whatever treatments you may have planned. Post treatment kits aid in the healing process to whatever you already had done, therefore giving better results. Don’t be so wary to purchase such recommended products, after all if your products at home were working you wouldn’t be seeing an aesthetician for help.
 ~  The importance of starting slow- it is very important to start slow with any treatment. For one, your skin needs to get acclimated to the products now being used, second you may have sensitivities to treatments that would have otherwise never been known if you started aggressive treatments from the start. Your aesthetician needs to get to know your skin and it’s habits. Working your way gradually will also get better results, for your skin will learn to heal better within time. It’s crucial to first work on the integrity of your skin and to get it to a healthy state before pursuing more dramatic treatments your skin may not be ready for.
~  Patience- It is very important to have patience. Your aesthetician is not a miracle worker. There is but so much they can do safely to your skin that will give results in the timeline you may want them. Many of these treatments do need to be performed several times and can only be performed after a set amount of days or weeks. Some treatments can be performed several times a week or maybe only once every 3-4 weeks. Sometimes your aesthetician may alternate treatments to get optimum results or to address mutiple concerns. Also take in consideration your budget. Maybe you won’t be able to come in when recommended, that will affect your goals.
            Now remember this is a basic list to assist you. Always use discernment when choosing a professional. You should feel comfortable with whomever you choose, again after all you are trusting them with your skin. Use this info to understand what is expected not just of the professional but also of you. Taking their advice is very crucial to getting the results you’ve been waiting for.
If you have any questions or experiences you would like to share, I would love to hear them.

Love you Dolls
Stay Fabulous and Fierce ~~~ XoXo MiMi